Oh the wait.
I suppose that if I had a normal cycle, I would have already taken a test.
But I don't. When you have PCOS, you have an irregular cycle. I've had irregular cycles most of my life (thought I didn't know it until I was in college)...although I have been having fairly regular 31-32 day cycles.
This time, however, here we are again at cycle day 40. When you have an irregular cycle, you're supposed to wait at least until you have the longest cycle you've had. For me, that's around 42-45 days.
I don't want to negotiate with God. Like, "Okay God, if this happens then this..." or something similar. I know that he has perfect timing in everything that happens, so even if I don't understand, He does.
Cycle Day 42 is on Wednesday. I think that will be the day that I test, should nothing happen between now and then.
I had 41 day cycles in January and March, so while this could be that (we'll see tomorrow), I'm also cautiously optimistic. I know that if this is our time, that it will truly have been a miracle. Seriously.
One of the things that is shaping my positive outlook is the fact that I ovulated this month - the blood test I had a week and a half ago showed that. I've also had sore boobs and frequent urination.
You better believe that I've been Googling "early pregnancy symptoms" and "when to take a pregnancy test."
And you may be wondering why I haven't gotten it over with and just taken one already.
Because my pragmatic side and my idealistic side don't jive.
It's kind of ridiculous.
I'm also naturally frugal, so I don't want to "waste" a test, which some may consider silly. However, considering that the very first pregnancy test I ever took (about a year ago), I totally botched (I did it wrong)...I don't want to make an expensive mistake again. Ha!
I know that I could order those cheap tests off of Amazon, but I haven't done that yet.
So I'm just practicing patience and trust in God's plan for all of this and on Wednesday, I'll take a test...
What would you do?
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