I've made it through two months of this program! 8 weeks doesn't sound too long, but considering that it takes time and dedication and commitment to complete any fitness program, I'm so proud to have made it this far.

This week included supersets and cardio.

This is a short and sweet update, because it's just more of the same!

Week 7 Wrap-Up: Jamie Eason Live Fit Program

My, my, my where has the time gone. You know, when I first embarked on this 12-week adventure, I never imagined that it was going to go by quickly. I figured more that it would be slow, possibly tedious, and easy to quit.

The funny thing is, I haven't quit! There have been some bumps in the road. Some stumbling blocks. Some cheating. But overall, I have been getting myself to the gym. And it's been awesome.

I wish I could say that I've been 100% faithful to the nutrition plan, but this is real life people.

However, the thing that I have learned in the process of this program is that when you want something enough, you're willing to put the work in like never before.

I have this goal, this desire, this yearning to start our family. And I know that a lot of it is on me. I know, I know, it's a 50/50 partnership with your spouse, but let's be real....I will be the one with the bun in the oven. And in a true, valiant effort to make things happen, I know that I need to get in shape.

If anything, exercising is just a good idea. Period. If there are added benefits such as lowered insulin resistance, less PCOS symptoms, and regulated hormones, then that's just a bonus.

Week 7 of the Jamie Eason Live Fit Program was more of the same from weeks 5 and 6, a little different, but cardio on non-leg days and dedicated leg days.

You know, I see the same people at the gym nearly every day. And even when I go at different times. Which makes me wonder, DO THESE PEOPLE WORK? How can they spend 3 hours at the gym everyday? Who knows. I don't. Maybe they do. Maybe they don't, it's none of my business.

But I can see that it's that laser type focus that helps you get things done. Build those muscles. Cut that physique.

Here's to Week 8.

Week 6 Wrap-Up: Jamie Eason Live Fit Program

Halfway done with the program! And I'm feeling great! And I feel like I'm Internet yelling! (which I wouldn't do in real life....it's easy to be excited online.)

Week 6 was interesting. My schedule was jam packed with things to do besides the gym, but I still made time to workout Monday-Wednesday and Friday-Saturday. I decided to make the effort to go into work early so that I could leave early and hit up the gym. Or, like on Tuesday, where I felt like Superwoman because I dealt with some fraudulent charges on my debit card (thanks random person in South Carolina), walked my dog twice, went to get gas instead of running on fumes, had a photoshoot at the State Fair, and finished the day off at the gym. Under "normal" circumstances, I would have skipped the gym, but something in me was like, "you have time, you should go". So I did. Must be some extra energy from the regularity of working out. Let's go with it.

Week 6 workouts are identical to Week 5, with the incorporation of cardio on four days a week. I'm super excited that Gilmore Girls is now on Netflix because I have the perfect way to pass the time on the elliptical. I'm hoping that by adding cardio back into the workout, it'll start to burn a little more fat. 

The crazy thing about working out is that you want to see changes. Okay, I want to see changes. But because you see yourself everyday, it's a lot harder to see your own changes. That's why I'm making an effort to take photos weekly so hopefully, when I look back, I'll see how far I've come. I've found that relying on the number on the scale is a lost cause. 

Can I just say that I want the scale to budge?! Just a few pounds. While I'm glad that it hasn't gone up and since my heaviest-ever weight, I've lost 30lbs or so....it would be nice to see it go down a few more pounds. Especially with all my effort! 

Food and nutrition is more of the same. I must say, however, that I'm a fan of my protein shakes that I drink as soon as I get home from the gym. Jamie talks about supplementation and I think that the protein shakes are a huge part of that! 

I've been using Nature's Best Isopure Low Carb Dutch Chocolate Protein Powder. I also use it for the protein bars I've made. I love it because it tastes good when mixed with water (which seems rare in the protein shake world) and it packs 50g of protein per serving. I haven't found any other protein powder with that much protein. Most have 20-25g per serving. This one has double that! I've purchased it from Puritan's Pride and Amazon.

I've also been using Advocare's Catalyst, which is their BCAA (branch chain amino acids) product before I go workout. I can't say I notice a difference between taking them and not because since I've started this program, I've taken them every workout. I'd try it without them, but why do that?!

I can't believe that Week 7 is already here. At the outset, 12 weeks seems like a long time. But with how fast the days go by, it's really not that long!

Week 5 Wrap-Up: Jamie Eason Live Fit Program

Made it through Week 5!

I think the best benefit that I have gained from starting this program has been the new habit of going to the gym. And not just going to the gym, but going to the gym with purpose. Knowing which machines to use and how many reps to do.

Week 5 starts Phase 2 of the Jamie Eason Live Fit Program. In Phase 2, cardio is put back into the workout. Also, workouts are increased to 6 days a week. Now, I will be honest, going to the gym 6 days a week is not the easiest endeavor. In fact, with my schedule, I still only find myself going 5 days a week, but that's still exponentially more times than I have gone in the last two years. 

I think that through this program I have used my gym membership more in the last five weeks than in the last three years. (I have a sweet deal at 24hour Fitness with a yearly membership fee of only $99. I hope they never revoke that! It was set up maybe 15 years ago [crazy!] through my dad's then-workplace with a sweet corporate discount. 

Anyway, as much as I love doing weight workouts, I'm not a huge fan of cardio. Luckily, it's only for 30 minutes and with the miracle of technology, I can pass the time watching Netflix. On current rotation: Gilmore Girls and Call the Midwife. 

Also in Phase 2 is lifting heavier weight since the rep count is lower. This means more like 85% total max reps. One of the really cool things is to see myself gain strength. I have yet to see a lot of muscle definition thanks to good ol' layers of chub, BUT I feel stronger. I did bicep curls with 20lb dumbbells! What?!

Food has and always will be a challenge. I've been really good about bringing my food to work and eating it there. However, my lunches are boring and kind of not exactly on the food plan. I'm eating bread. WHHHHATTT?! I'd like to point out that it's "Flax and Fiber" bread so I'll rationalize that at least it's not white bread, right? I've noticed that eating every few hours has definitely been beneficial to both my blood sugar level and mental state. 

Before I started this program, I would go hours without eating and then be ravenous and hangry until I got some food in me. I would get the shakes because my blood sugar was low. Not the smartest, I know, but finally, finally, finally, I'm seeing the light. 

I do have a cheat day(s) on the weekends, so I do account for slower progress due to that fact, but I'm okay with it. I feel myself getting stronger and will continue doing my best to eat healthy. It's been 5 weeks of no fast food, too! That's a miracle in and of itself!

Onto week 6!

Dear Aunt Flo...

Why must you show up at the most inopportune moments? Seriously.

My period tracker app, Glow, estimated that my period should start on October 2. Then, unbeknownst to me, on September 30th there seems to be some spotting (sorry if it's TMI). When I noticed, I start Googling, and I try to convince myself that maybe it's implantation bleeding. The only thing is that the dates don't line up for it to be that.

I try to talk myself out of the idea that it's my period coming. Because that means the Ovidrel didn't work. Because it means that I stabbed myself in the stomach for seemingly nothing. Because it means that I wasted precious dollars on a dream deferred.

Alas, we are not pregnant. And AF came early. So instead of 28 days, it was 27. How rude is that? Especially when last month it was 31 days. Hey, body, get it together.

Seeing as how we're not pregnant, I'm giving the chemicals and drugs a rest. It was actually kind of weird to not start taking something on Day 3. It was a good feeling, strangely enough. I'm okay with it. I trust God and what he has planned for us, and it's this whole trying to get pregnant thing has me clinging to him. Trusting him. No matter what.

So what's next?

Well, in my never-ending research for resolving my PCOS and infertility, from supplements and superfoods, and vitamins and green smoothies, I started to look into Essential Oils. I have a handful of friends who swear by their oils for various uses, mostly for allergies, immunity, germs, and stress. Stuff started popping up in my Facebook feed more and more that I just had to check it out.

I'm a fairly skeptical person, and while I don't have any idea if Essential Oils will work for me or not, I'm thinking that at least it's all natural. It's not more chemicals and these oils have been shown to balance hormones (which is my main problem!) and help manage a whole bunch (too numerous to list) of ailments and issues.

After a lot of Googling and searching through blogs on Essential Oils, I found a few articles that specifically talked about PCOS and infertility. If figure that I can give it a whirl. Why not? It seems like a better choice than more Clomid and freaking my ovaries out and messing with natural hormones like estrogen and progesterone. I believe that I have estrogen-dominance and progesterone deficiency.

Fertility & PCOS:
Balanced Essentials
Essential Oils & Supplements for Male and Female Fertility
3 Essential Oils that Enhance Fertility
Essential Oils and Fertility
Female Infertility & Essential Oils
Increase Fertility with Essential Oils
Aromatherapy for Fertility
Ocotea Essential Oil
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

So I think that I'm going to take the plunge. Take the plunge into Essential Oils. Since I have a bunch of friends using Young Living, that's the route I've decided to go.

I'm looking forward to trying something new and healing myself naturally!