My cycle started last Wednesday.
And I took it harder than I expected.
My RE's office told me that I could take an HPT on Monday 2/8, but me, being ever the pragmatist, waited. I knew I should wait a few extra days, instead of "wasting" an HPT on a negative result. I think I need to get some of those cheap tests off Amazon.
According to my period tracking app, Glow, it said that my period was due on Wednesday 2/10. That morning, I had no signs of it starting. I don't generally experience very many PMS symptoms (I know, I'm lucky), and there were no physical signs. Throughout the day, there was some light spotting, and of course I tried to tell myself that it was implantation spotting...anything but my period starting.
By that evening, it started. And I was mad. I was sad. I was disappointed. I was frustrated.
I keep going back to thinking about how pregnancy is totally not an truly is a miracle. I know there are women out who blink and get pregnant, but for the rest of us, we pray, we plead, we beg...
So instead of calling my RE's office to report a positive HPT on Thursday, I got to call them to report a new cycle. We talked about getting a little more aggressive in treatment since I had just completed two cycles of Letrozole. One without a trigger shot and one with. They brought me in for a baseline ultrasound that next day and taught me how to inject myself with Follistim.
My doctor prescribed two days of Follistim alongside of taking Letrozole. I go in for a follow up sonogram on Wednesday to see if we can trigger and do an IUI.
I think the hardest part of this journey is that every month you feel like you're putting all your eggs in one basket (no pun with "eggs" intended) and hold on to hope that this will be it.
One the one hand, you don't want to lose hope. On the other, it's exhausting and frustrating and disappointing when you don't get your desired result. I know that I have to remain confident in the path that we are taking and to NOT compare my journey with anyone else. I will just get upset if I think about all the "OOPS" babies that have been conceived and may be terminated. Knowing what a freakin' miracle conception is, I don't take it for granted for one second.
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