It's starting to get real.

A couple weeks ago, I was talking to my friend about how we're starting to talk about starting a family. She asked me when we were thinking about starting and I said, "About the new year."

Then she asked me if I was taking prenatal vitamins.

Uh. Not yet.

She told me that I should start taking them at least three months before.

"What?! You mean, I'm already behind?!"

When I thought about the fact that we'd stop preventing pregnancy at the new year, which is now in just a few short weeks, it got real. It got real, really fast.

Then I started to Google things and WebMD things, because obviously, I don't know much about this stuff! And my friend was right, I should start taking prenatal vitamins!

So we went to pick up a bottle.

And again, things got real. Whoa. We're really going to do this.

Planner at Heart

While I don't think that I would ever make a good event planner, I'm definitely a planner when it comes to my life. Maybe it's the Type-A tendency that I have. While most of the time I'm pretty Type-B (is it even called that?), there are times when my Type-A-ness surfaces.

Like planning out my life.

Like planning our wedding.

Like planning our budget.

Like planning out my business year.

I do plan for those things.

And now that a baby is potentially on the horizon (at least we hope so! no bun in oven yet), it's yet another thing to plan for. I know that I've been told by countless people who have had kids and whose kids are now in college that if you wait to be "ready" for a kid, you'll never be ready.

I know this rings true when it comes to finances. I know that babies cost money. They need lots of stuff. (Whoa, how intellectual am I?!) But it's true, right? Right now, we're doing well. I wonder what it will be like once we throw a kid into the mix.

I mean, come on, I was hesitant to GET A DOG.

Although, now, I couldn't imagine our lives without him.

But a BABY? Not nearly as self-sufficient as a dog.

Though, I'm guessing I'll be in love the moment we hear that little heartbeat (someday).

I want to plan so badly, be able to estimate when we'll have a kid, and do some financial forecasting. (nerd alert, right?) But I know that I can't. I just have to roll with the punches.

This has probably been why we've been controlling the whole "getting pregnant" thing. But in a few months (oh crap like in 10 weeks or so...that's SO SOON), the control thing will be over.

My Type-A-ness will start to cry.

Well, not really.

But I'm sure that I'll be two parts excited, two parts terrified, and a dash of awe.

I'm excited. And scared. But more excited.
